By pharyngula on October 12, 2012. Tags cephalopods Organisms Log in to post comments More like this Botanical Wednesday: feelin' Halloweeny Mary's Monday Metazoan: Mr Creepy Finger Botanical Wednesday: A rugged old tree Mary's Monday Metazoan: I have been, and always shall be, a worm On what planet was this photo taken? Log in to post comments As long as little Paul Myers believes these exist, at least they exist somewhere.. Log in to post comments Why are its eyes in its armpits? Log in to post comments Ah, "head-foot" indeed. Log in to post comments
As long as little Paul Myers believes these exist, at least they exist somewhere.. Log in to post comments
On what planet was this photo taken?
As long as little Paul Myers believes these exist, at least they exist somewhere..
Why are its eyes in its armpits?
Ah, "head-foot" indeed.