Garbage in, garbage out


Bill Nye has a new book coming out in November, Unstoppable: Harnessing Science to Change the World. In it, he's going to write about climate change, among other subjects.

This has Ken Ham annoyed. Don't you know that if you look at everything through the lens of the Bible, you don't have to worry about climate change? He gives a nice succinct summary of his version of climate history.

Originally, the climate was created perfect, but sin changed everything (Genesis 3), and we no longer have a perfect climate. During the global Flood of Noah’s day about 4,350 years ago the climate was radically changed when the surface of the Earth was reshaped by the Flood. The Flood was followed by an Ice Age, which further changed our climate, and climates have gone up and down since. Fluctuations can happen quite quickly and are not cause for grave concern in regard to man’s supposed impact as Bill Nye claims. So when you start with God’s Word, you have an entirely different worldview through which to view climate change and therefore you reach entirely different conclusions about the nature and severity of it. It is true that Bill Nye’s religion of evolutionary naturalism causes him to wrongly interpret climate change. So, in essence, Bill Nye’s new book is indeed a religious book!

I don't even know what "perfect" climate is.

But I do know he's wrong. When your "worldview" is based on false facts, it crumbles.

There was no global flood in the 24th century BCE. There is no evidence at all for it, and lots of evidence against it. There were civilizations in Mesopotamia, the Indus valley, China, and Egypt concurrent with this imaginary flood; they didn't suddenly snuff it, and kept making records, totally unperturbed, throughout this period when they were supposed to be busy drowning. Almost immediately after the date of Noah's flood, Sargon of Akkad started building his empire, taking over hosts of cities along the Tigris and Euphrates. Was Sargon on the big boat? How did populous cities suddenly appear within a decade or two of their total destruction and the depopulation of the planet? People don't breed that fast!

The last ice age ended about 11-12,000 years ago. If it had occurred sometime after 2350BCE, you'd think someone would have noticed, especially the northern Europeans who'd be living under a kilometer or two of ice.

I do agree entirely with his statement that when you start with God’s Word, you have an entirely different worldview through which to view climate change and therefore you reach entirely different conclusions about the nature and severity of it. I would reach different conclusions about how the world operated if I believed that magic worked and that fairies propelled themselves through the sky on farts made of CO2 and methane. That doesn't make your conclusion true.

And that last nonsense…Bill Nye accepts the best available evidence, which leads to certain necessary conclusions. That is not religion. For it to be religion, he'd have to have faith in spite of the evidence, like a certain religious fanatic who demands acceptance of obvious historical and scientific counterfactuals.

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HT to this scienceblogs version. I don't think Murdoch is a Ken Ham fan.