September 29, 2010
I initially thought this was a fine graph, charting the fields of research of mad scientists over time, since it did accurately conclude that biologists rocked that niche, but then I looked closer, and they shortchanged us. For some entirely arbitrary reason, they split mad biologists into "biology…
September 29, 2010
Matt Taibbi is one of my favorite political writers, and he's perfect for scrutinizing the Tea Party movement — he's a gonzo swashbuckler who specializes in exposing the inanities of American culture, so plopping him down in the midst of the teabaggers is like opening the henhouse door for a wolf.…
September 29, 2010
The UMM biology program is looking to replace a recent retiree, and we need someone who is an excellent teacher, competent to teach cell biology and a basic genetics course, and with some interesting expertise that can be used for upper level electives in your specialty and can provide…
September 29, 2010
The permanent thread could use a little amusement, and this video offers it. Ask a scientist whether they believe in god, and what you get is an I-can't-believe-you-asked-me-that look; ask them about their work, and they get all enthusiastic and passionate. That's fairly universal among any group…
September 29, 2010
He's done it again. It's another comic that mocks biologists. It's entirely true, but that's beside the point — he's exposing us! And yes, I know that he's married to a parasitologist, which just means he's been given direct insight into the mind of a biologist and will be using that information…
September 29, 2010
Anderson Cooper nailed Andrew Shirvell. Shirvell has been on a long-running crusade against a fellow named Chris Armstrong, creating a blog called "Chris Armstrong Watch" (always a bad sign), picketing his house, monitoring his facebook page, making wild accusations that Armstrong is abusing his…
September 28, 2010
We often get remarks from people that the Pharyngula comments are a cesspool, that I ought to moderate more, that people use intemperate language and even profanity in their discussions…and, you know, I just roll my eyes and ignore these silly bluenoses and their prissy airs. We're adults here. I…
September 28, 2010
I told you I've got my development class blogging, and here's the update for this week.
Hannah's blog discusses recent observations in blind cavefish.
Lisa's Ledger is about a new Alzheimer-associated gene.
Development from a naiad is on a brief break while the author does some…
September 28, 2010
Larry Moran is as exasperated as I am with these so-called allies who accuse the Gnu Atheists of ignorance of the 'sophisticated' modern arguments for gods and the rationality of theists. We keep being told we're know-nothings who are simply unaware of the great stuff that believers actually…
September 28, 2010
(via Greg Laden)
September 28, 2010
Stuart Pivar has replied to my criticisms. He's very quick. It's too bad he isn't rational.
Dear Dr. Myers,
My paper, "The Origin of the Vertebrate Skeleton," published in the International Journal of Astrobiology, does not describe what is observed in embryology. I never made this claim. The…
September 28, 2010
The local newspaper would print out the names of all of the kids who made it onto the school honor roll, and my grandma would pinch my cheek and tell me what a good boy I was for studying hard. I do wonder how she would respond to making it onto the Playboy Honor Roll.
I think she'd say "Nehmen!"…
September 28, 2010
Lately, a certain faction within CFI (not the whole organization — I know several staff who disagree) has taken it upon itself to slam the Gnu Atheists as a gang of crude louts who know nothing about religion — they've criticized Richard Dawkins, and I've heard that both Jerry Coyne and I were…
September 27, 2010
I lied. Lied, lied, lied. You knew I was being sarcastic — there's no way I'm going to give Stuart Pivar a pass.
Pivar has published in a rather obscure journal, The International Journal of Astrobiology, which is obviously going to contain a fair amount of speculation…but his article doesn't fit…
September 27, 2010
I have been chastised by William Connolley; he thinks I was too "strident" in condemning that lousy paper about Moses parting the sea with a fortuitous wind. I disagree, obviously. It was a bad paper, and I gave the reasons why it was so awful: it was poorly justified, it was not addressing an even…
September 27, 2010
One can almost pity the brown snake. They're a dreadfully persistent invasive species, but they're going to try and exterminate them by paradropping poison-laced mice into the jungles of Guam.
September 27, 2010
It's a dreary phrase when Sarah Palin says it, but it's true for Citizen Radio: they've gone independent, but are still making podcasts with that sharp combination of comedy and interviews. The latest episode features Rachel Maddow. Yeah, you liberals need to listen to it.
September 27, 2010
It's a contest: the Nobel prizes will be announced next week, and right now you can make guesses about who will win and submit them for a chance at prizes.
Let's see…Michael Egnor for Physiology/Medicine, Dembski for physics, and Behe for Chemistry…
No, only guess those if you want to guarantee…
September 27, 2010
There have been no science fiction movies that I know of that accurately describe evolution. None. And there have been very few novels that deal with it at all well. I suspect it's because it makes for very bad drama: it's so darned slow, and worst of all, the individual is relatively unimportant…
September 27, 2010
First, read this parody of science journalism. It's the template for just about every science story you'll find in a newspaper, and it's so depressing.
Second, imagine something even worse. Hint: it's the media's coverage of every scientific "controversy" you might think of. It takes a few of the…
September 27, 2010
Be depressed. The reports are in, and American education sucks and is hurting our economy.
Stagnant scientific education imperils U.S. economic leadership, says a report by leading business and science figures.
Released Thursday at a congressional briefing attended by senators and congressmen of…
September 27, 2010
Minnesota should be embarrassed to have two organizations targeting our elections with the goal of blocking the possibility of gay marriage. The Nincompoops Opposing Marriage (NOM) is campaigning for the Rethuglican candidate for governor, Tom Emmers, while the Catholic church is sending out DVDs…
September 27, 2010
A few people took advantage of the Creation Research Society's open house to take a peek inside the asylum, and sent back pictures.
Eric Youngstrom found signs of their evidence-based reasoning.
Ooooh, numbers! It must be real then. Just like the 64.8 meter long giant squid I keep in the 4.3…
September 26, 2010
The elongating thread has had a shortage of nuns. Let us correct that.
(Current totals: 11,070 entries with 1,134,684 comments.)
September 26, 2010
Our #2 Son has just graduated from officer's training school, and here he is in his fancy duds getting his bars pinned on by his mommy.
Next, he's heading off to Fort Knox for a while. He has been instructed to bring back souvenirs.
September 26, 2010
(via onegoodmove)
September 26, 2010
There's nothing I hate more in a sudden terrorist emergency than having to put on a cold gas mask.
September 26, 2010
I will not respect a book of lies. I will not tolerate intolerance.
Lately, there has been considerable angst and fury over a bad book, the Koran. Terry Jones, a fundamentalist lackwit, gets called out by the American president, not for being a professional fool taking advantage of our lax laws…
September 26, 2010
It's a python digesting a rat, imaged with a combination of CT, MRI, and considerable image processing, and it's lovely. There is also a time series taken over 132 hours of the rat being digested.
All right, it's not so pretty a picture if you're a rat.
September 25, 2010
They are as bad as creationists. They often are creationists. Their anti-abortion ideology is so overwhelming that they will make up 'facts' and call them science. Here's a recent example:
"I think it's important to note with the term fertilized egg, that's the same thing as using the N word for an…