
Profile picture for user pharyngula
Paul Z. Meyers

Posts by this author

September 3, 2008
OK, I see people are talking about it anyway in other threads, so here you go: say what you think of Palin's speech at the RNC. I caught a few minutes of it, and found it unbearable…so I won't be contributing. When I heard her declare that Obama doesn't want to find new energy sources and wanted to…
September 3, 2008
You think you're tired of these? Boy, am I tired of them. The irony is relentless, the cluelessness indefatigable, the obliviousness all-encompassing. Fortunately, I'm down to only 5-10 emails and an average of less than 1 written letter from outraged Catholics now…but still, they're just so looney…
September 3, 2008
Some of the right-wing loons are speaking their minds, and it certainly is an ugly pit of frothing, foaming sludge sloshing about in their crania. Archy finds a frightening example of insanity out there; this is the blog of an anti-choice Christian Reconstructionist who is just thrilled to pieces…
September 3, 2008
Texas now has a law that requires all public schools to offer an elective course in the Christian bible, thanks to a bill authored by Warren Chisum, who will for all eternity be remembered as the "Bible-thumping dwarf from Pampa," a phrase by Molly Ivins. This is a tricky one; I'm not opposed to…
September 3, 2008
You can find them at Greg Laden's Blog — it's a little dense with legalese and unfamiliar acronyms, but it sounds like he was kicked out of the student senate for "wrongful performance of a normally lawful act", whatever that means. More information is promised for later.
September 3, 2008
Apparently, it's an eppendorf pipette. If you aren't a science nerd, an eppendorf pipette is one of the ubiquitous tools of molecular biology — it's a calibrated gadget for dispensing minute quantities of liquids. Eppendorf is now selling an automated pipettor called epMotion … and judging by the…
September 3, 2008
(Click for larger image) (For some reason, my wife loved the lava cactus, and I've got so many photos of them…)
September 3, 2008
You can view it in all of its time traveling glory at En Tequila Es Verdad.
September 3, 2008
Harper Collins is about to release a children's book called The Daring Book for Girls(amzn/b&n/abe/pwll) in Australia. It contains a very short section on how to play a didgeridoo — and wouldn't you know it, someone is offended. But the general manager of the Victorian Aboriginal Education…
September 3, 2008
This is a terrifying video. It's Sarah Palin going on and on in front of her Assembly of God church, talking about the war in Iraq as "a task that is from God", promising the congregants the gift of prophecy, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus…it ought to make any rational human being ill. But that's not the…
September 2, 2008
I told you that Roy Zimmerman had a new topical song about Sarah Palin…and here it is:
September 2, 2008
Unfortunately, it's at a student's expense. While the University of Central Florida administration cleared him of all wrong-doing, the student-run senate impeached Webster Cook and removed him from office. Donohue may gloat a little bit, but isn't it rather cheesy that he should shriek to mobilize…
September 2, 2008
Let us all doff our hats in astonished disbelief at the brazen arrogance of the people who have created the Carl Sagan Institute in Brazil. That is, the Carl Sagan Institute…of UFOlogy. That's right, a cranky gang of saucernuts have appropriated the name and likeness of Carl Sagan without…
September 2, 2008
Am I allowed to mention physics here? How about if it's a rap video?
September 2, 2008
Giving a talk? Watch this. (from TERRY TALKS)
September 2, 2008
Somebody took offense again. An art museum in England is exhibiting some controversial statues, and of course some kook can't just stay away, they have to make sure no one else gets to see them. A Christian group is taking an art centre to court, claiming it displayed an indecent statue of Jesus…
September 2, 2008
Adam Savage of the Mythbusters (the second most easily recognized scientists in the US, right after Bill Nye) has a short article up on Popular Mechanics on how to fix US science education. He only has 3 suggestions, but they're really just two. The first is to let students get their hands dirty.…
September 2, 2008
I've squeezed one more talk into my fall schedule, but that's it — if you want me to come talk to your university or organization, it'll have to be in January or later — I'm not accepting any more invitations. Here's my complete and final long distance travel schedule for the next few months.…
September 2, 2008
Why? Because that is the day of the Pulpit Initiative, when brave and idiotic right wing preachers will defy the IRS and lose their tax exemptions. The Pulpit Initiative Reclaiming pastors' constitutional right to speak Truth from the pulpit On Sunday, September 28, 2008, we are seeking pastors who…
September 2, 2008
A couple of ladies in Seattle decided to just up and visit the Discovery Institute. No appointments or anything…they just walked up to the door, buzzed the intercom, and got a tour from Casey Luskin. They're a bit of a tease, though, posting this in multiple parts. I anxiously await reading more of…
September 1, 2008
Events are off to a great start at the RNC: Amy Goodman, host of the TV/radio program Democracy Now! and a well-known activist for peace and human rights, has been arrested in St Paul by our power-mad authoritarian servants of the Rethuglican Party. Apparently, she was defending two radio producers…
September 1, 2008
We have a date and time — Thursday, 18 September at 7pm. We have a rough location — somewhere in the Minneapolis/St Paul area. And most importantly, we have the will to party to celebrate the one millionth comment on scienceblogs. We also have an excess of specific venue suggestions. Now we could…
September 1, 2008
There's something wicked about being surrounded by bright red arcs of lightning — I may have to go with this look from now on. (This is the flyer for my talk in Denver. I guess I'd better be a little bit ferocious.)
September 1, 2008
Word from the Democratic presidential candidate on the recent announcement from Sarah Palin (among other rumors): "Let me be a clear as possible: I have said before and I will repeat again, I think people's families are off limits, and people's children are especially off limits. This shouldn't be…
September 1, 2008
I didn't take this one: I stole it from Scott Hurst's wonderful photo set of our Galápagos trip. (Click for larger image)
September 1, 2008
Here's the other side: Sarah Palin made some policy statements in her run for governor, so we can see what to expect. She's pro-ignorance and anti-civil rights all the way, opposing gay marriage, sex education, and reproductive rights for women. No surprise at all, I know. Here are some answers…
September 1, 2008
By now, you must have heard that ScienceDebate 2008 had submitted a list of science and technology policy questions to our presidential candidates. So for, only Obama has answered them, while McCain has been silent (maybe he's waiting for input from his creationist VP choice). Obama's answers are…
September 1, 2008
It's a common question, and it isn't easy to explain, since much of it is complicated while the simple parts are often counter-intuitive. But here's a comic that tries and illustrates the problem. Here's the correct explanation, that actually jibes with the evidence. Here's the ID/creationist…
August 31, 2008
I'm down at this funky coffeehouse in Fargo, the Red Raven, watching Roy Zimmerman set up. It's not too late, the show starts in a half hour, so you Dakotans better come on over! It's a nice cozy little venue, and a great place for a performance. Definitely a great performance — Roy is great about…
August 31, 2008
Michael Moore, in an interview with Keith Olbermann, joked that "This Gustav [the storm heading towards the Gulf Coast] is proof that there is a god in heaven". Yes, he was joking, and he was laughing, and we all know that it is not proof and isn't even evidence of such a thing, so it's somewhat…