Quantum Diet

Eat anything you want and lose weight? How? By using quantum physics of course!:

Freedom From Food looks at food and weight from a unique vantage point. It examines the mind/body connection - how your thoughts and emotions affect your body. The book points out that there is abundant scientific evidence in quantum physics to show that our thoughts and emotions directly affect our physical form. From this perspective, food is not seen as "good" or "bad" for the body.

I'm still looking through the postulates of quantum physics to find how thoughts and emotions are used in quantum theory? Anyone?

From the author's website it gets even curiouser:

My "Aha!" moment came when I was listening to the guided visualization on the audible FFF CD. I saw in my mind how food breaks down to tiny subatomic particles and then interacts with the body.

Which subatomic particles, I wonder?

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I'm still looking through the postulates of quantum physics to find how thoughts and emotions are used in quantum theory? Anyone?

Oh, that one's pretty clear. If the wavefunction is feeling good today, it collapses into one eigenstate; if it's feeling crummy, it collapses into the other. This trivially generalizes to the multiple-dimensional and infinite-dimensional cases. ;)

Followup: this also serves as a useful answer for the oft-asked question, "information about what?" Well---clearly---we see that the wavefunction embodies information about the feelings of the system.

I believe the movie "What the bleep do we know" explains the connection,but I wouldn't know because I couldn't sit through it. Life is too short for that shit.Leptovers? he he he

By BlindSquirrel (not verified) on 02 Apr 2008 #permalink

Leptovers . . . . that's funny :)

By Michael Bacon (not verified) on 03 Apr 2008 #permalink