Technical Issues

We're back after a fun weekend at Boskone-- my various panels went well, and I got to meet, talk to, and hang out with some terrifically interesting people. I think the "Weird Quantum Phenomena" talk went rather well (it was scheduled as a half-hour talk, but there was nothing else scheduled for the room, so it stretched out to an hour). I was surprised and pleased to see that so many people were interested in hearing about quantum mechanics at the very ragged end of a convention, and I hope they enjoyed hearing the talk as much as I enjoyed giving it.

Of course, it's impossible for everything to go well at once, so I came back here to find widespread reports of technical issues with ScienceBlogs-- apparently, there was some sort of spam assault on the servers, which bogged things down for a while over the weekend, with some of the bloggers having trouble posting, and even a few problems with getting comments posted. It appears to have been dealt with, but we apologize for any inconvenience.

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I hadn't heard about an spam attack on the servers, although that might explain why things bogged down so suddenly last night.

Unfortunately, I'm still unable to post to my ScienceBlogs blog. I will be posting on my old blog until they fix this problem.