Taxons Wanted

I'm not taking as much heat as the other two amateur taxonomists on ScienceBlogs, but I'll also throw the topic open for suggestions. So, if I left your favorite sub-field of physics out of my Geek Taxonomy, drop me a comment suggesting a field that I left out, and what I ought to say about it. ( They needn't be serious.) If I get any good suggestions, I'll post an updated Taxonomy of Physics incorporating the suggestions.

If you have strong opinions about sub-fields of biology or anthropology, be sure to weigh in over at the Daily Transcript or Afarensis.


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Condensed Matter Physics:
This may be the largest single field of physics, and it's probably the most important in everyday terms.

And you call elementary particle physicists arrogant? puh-leez. FermiLab roxors.

All kidding aside, I think you hit the nail on the head for the most part. You could add on the relatively minor branches like non-linear dynamics, geophysics, and even physics education research (i.e. Carl Wieman).

And you call elementary particle physicists arrogant? puh-leez. FermiLab roxors.

Well considering the fact that Chad's an AMO physicist, it's hardly arrogant for him to be promoting condensed matter as the most important...