Blog Pimping(*)

I feel a little guilty for catering to the whims of Internet perverts in the previous entry, so here are a couple of new science-y blogs worth taking a look at:

First, via Derek Lowe, is the blog of chemistry grad student Dylan Stiles. There's lots of highly geeky material, with lots of little diagrams showing various stages of synthesis, but there's some fun stuff as well, including a recurring feature on sketchy things found in the stockroom. It's a good blog if you're nostalgic for the carefree days of grad school.

(If the Powers What Is want to find some more physical-science types for ScienceBlogs, Dylan might be a good candidate. And, hey, if you get him before he graduates, you can pay him a quarter what you're paying the rest of us...)

The other new blog of note is Mark Chu-Carroll's Good Math, Bad Math, which is dedicated to..., well, you can all read. He's got a nice post up about offensively stupid statistics comparing casualty rates in Iraq to accident rates in the US, along with a nice explanation of recursion.

I realize that Math is Hard, but it's a good blog, so check it out.

(* - Notice me not making an Oscar-winning rap joke.)


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