Greetings from the Swampland

Why is this dog sulking, you ask?


(Answer below the fold)

Because this:


and this:


show what the back yard looks like right now.

We've needed rain for the last couple of weeks, and as you can tell, this has been good for the lawn. Those parts of it that are still above water, that is...


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Quantum Rainfall. We're dealing with similar in the midwest, where rainfall occurs only in certain states, never in between them. Thus, we either have none, or lots.

Thankfully, in drought terms, we've had several batches of "lots", including one batch that moved the Mississippi River up from 0' above datum (barely navigable) to 15' above in less than 36 hours. Seeing the smaller rivers leap after a thunderstorm isn't uncommon, but I've never seen the Mississippi move more than 5' in a day before, even during the 1993 floods.

Still, 15' above datum is low for this time of year -- usually, this is when the big rivers are brimming full, thanks to the northern snow melt and spring rains. Then, we get dry for summer, and they slowly creep down.

As to Emmy, well, I'm sure she's sulking because you won't let her play in the swamp, and swamps are fun!

By Erik V. Olson (not verified) on 24 Apr 2006 #permalink

Awww. Poor puppy! Misguided human doesn't understand how much fun swamps can be. Geeez... How often does a dog have a chance for a swamp as wet as this one (looks)?

Totally off-topic, obviously, but any guesses as to why the RSS feed seems to think it's a time machine, travelling back in time to March 8th?

Kate Nepveu: A-hah! I have one of those too. I also have others who would love to play in the slop; mud season has arrived in Colorado. What fun. So "puppy" is unhappy because wet feet are no fun.... not because the gatekeepers won't let her out. Got it. Thanks for the clarification. Hope the swamp drains for her soon.