Friday Random Eleven

Having been depressing and/or political for the last few posts, I feel like I ought to do something to lighten the mood. So here are some pop songs (extended beyond the canonical ten because it's the last day of classes. Woo-hoo!):

  1. "The Devil Went Down to Georgia"Charlie Danliels Band
  2. "Since You're Gone"The Cars
  3. "Star Bodies"The New Pornographers
  4. "The Band Played Waltzing Matilda"The Pogues
  5. "Barrier Reef"Old 97's
  6. "Oceanographer's Choice"The Mountain Goats
  7. "How Could I Know"My Morning Jacket
  8. "I Can't Remember"The Thorns
  9. "Ache for You"Ben Lee
  10. "Start Choppin'"Dinosaur Jr
  11. "Some Girls"The Rolling Stones

Alas, my attempt at jollity is undermined by the iTunes shuffle algorithm, which snuck in some depressing songs (curse you, iTunes shuffle algorithm!). Still, it's better than reading the news...


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Because I happen to be on shuffle right now, and am procrastinating doing what I ought, I'm going to record the next few songs ye ol' Nano serves up here:
1. "Guinness Dog" The Scottish Rogues
2. "Satan is My Motor" Cake
3. "Kick Out The Jams" Presidents of the United States of America
4. "Speak To Me/Breathe" Pink Floyd
5. "The Victor" by E Muzeki
6. "Paranoid Android" Radiohead
7. "What Would You Say" Dave Matthew's Band
8. "Zombie" The Cranberries
9. "One and the Same (Coda)" Rob Dougan (Instrumental version)
10. "Vertigo" U2

That's pretty good. No real dogs in there, although 7 and 8 are a bit played out...