The Weirdness Event Horizon Approaches

The truly remarkable thing about the BaconCat incident is not that John Scalzi taped bacon to his cat (as you can tell from his wife's reaction), or that he got a bazillion hits from Fark for it (which is what the Internet is for, after all), or that he made a motivational poster about it (because, really, it takes firearms to keep Scalzi away from PhotoShop).

No, the remarkable thing is that the fake blog someone set up for John's cat currently has a Technorati rank in the top 1.6% of all blogs (848,635 out of 54 million, at this writing).

Really, there's just no way you could make this shit up.

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This says more about how many completely unread or imaginary blogs are being tracked than anything else.

And science has come one step closer to developing the technology needed to create the buttered toast cat required for a perpetual motion device.