Wait 'Till Next Year

The "Genius Grants" for 2006 have been announced, and as usual, your humble correspondent is not among the winners. Damn.

You know, if I were a MacArthur trustee, I'd be sorely tempted to throw one grant a year to somebody completely bizarre-- $500,000 to Giblets for excellence in Fafbloggery-- just for the hell of it. Or, better yet, just pick a name out of the phone book, and drop $500K on them. Why him? The MacArthur Foundation works in mysterious ways, its wonders to perform...

This is probably sufficient explanation of why I will never be selected to help administer a multi-million-dollar grant program with vague criteria.


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I find it really cool that David Macaulay won a MacArthur. I read his books growing up, and they were just awesome.

I have also heard of Sara Ruhl. I think that this is some sort of record for me for MacArthur winners outside of my field whose names I recognize.

By Brad Holden (not verified) on 19 Sep 2006 #permalink

Next time I see Matias, I'll have to give him the special Genius Treatment. :-)

Seriously, though, good for him and the other recipients.

By Tom Renbarger (not verified) on 19 Sep 2006 #permalink