Richard Dawkins Kicks Puppies!

Well, that's what I hear...

(It's been a couple of days since anyone said anything mean about him on ScienceBlogs. I wouldn't want him to think we don't care any more...)


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I heard it was blind orphan puppies.

Read my post about him scheduled to appear this AM. (OK, it's not that mean, but it is critical.)

Oh, and you forgot to compare him to Dr. Mengele. ;-)

I heard that his socks stink and he makes a really bad cup of coffee.
Anyone else got any gossip?

By Pseudonym (not verified) on 09 Jan 2007 #permalink

I hear that's not his hair. It comes from all the puppies he's killed.

Dr. Dawkins and I say you can all go to hell... if there were a hell. And by the way... your puppy just crapped all over the floor, and it's your turn to clean it up.