Lurkers of the World Unite!

i-4eb35e522e00dcc0bb9c6e1065a7576d-delurk_terr.jpgJanet reminds me that this has been declared National De-Lurking Week. If you're in the habit of reading this blog, but don't usually comment, here's a made-up holiday you can celebrate by leaving a comment here. You'll need to put in a name (it needn't be yours) and an email address (I promise it won't be spammed as a result), but then you can type anything you like (within reason) into the comment box, and post it here.

If you'd prefer something concrete to say, I'll give you a topic: How 'bout this weather we're having?


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WooHoo!! I'm taking the afternoon off!

By Dave in WY (not verified) on 10 Jan 2007 #permalink

here in Boston we just got the first day of below freezing weather for '07! too bad there is no global warming, wink wink. I am setting up an extra room for all my peeps from Florida who's houses will soon be under water. First post for me, happy Nation De-Lurker Month all!

Welllll, hot dayuuuum. Yanno I just had to pop in and heed the calling. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!


I'm not sure I count as a lurker here, as i've only been reading for a few weeks, and I did comment on the item that led me here.

Anyway, what is the lurker equivalent of diving under the thermocline?

ObWeather: as a New Yorker living in Texas and Georgia, I've long felt their so-called "winter" to be a pathetic imitation of a proper winter. But this year Georgia seems to be dispensing even with that.

By Captain Button (not verified) on 10 Jan 2007 #permalink

Hi, I'm Petrel and I'm a lurker. :)

I popped over a few weeks ago after Scalzi mentioned you got tenure. I am a VAP in biology at a small liberal arts school, so I was celebrating your tenured-ness with you. I've been reading since.

Greetings from near one of your old haunts - it's cloudy (surprise) and windy here in Binghamton. Strange winter - I haven't had the snow shovel out even once.

I just talked to a friend in Finland who says they seem to be skipping winter completely there, it's spring in Helsinki with green grass and blooming flowers. I blame the Creationists.


Here in Cambridge, MA, I'm concerned that I winterized my garden way, way too early. I should have left the bulbs in the ground and planted a third crop of lettuce. What happens if we don't get *any* hard freezes at all? I'm picturing a sudden invasion of kudzu and fire ants.

What, weather? No, never!

(You need never hear of me again)

You can bet it wasn't a lurker who made that De-Lurker Declaration.

My personal weather concern is that the fleas in the back yard aren't getting their tiny asses frozen to death this "winter" and will be quite numerous later on.

By Matt Platte (not verified) on 10 Jan 2007 #permalink

I'm a nonlurker on several of the scienceblogs blogs.. But I think this is the one blog here that I read but only qualify as a lurker on, mostly because I don't know enough about the subject matter to contribute productively. Yet :)

And the weather today is lovely.

(An aside: Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed scienceblogs has a bit of a representation bias toward the biological sciences? I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but I've been thinking I'd like to start following some physics blogs and this is the only one around here I've really found. Are there other good physics blogs on this site I'm just not aware of? What are some good physics-related blogs in general?)

Over here in California the leaves have finally started falling. I guess better late than never.

It's also been fair freezing (relatively speaking) in California this winter. I keep having to remind people that "global warming" needn't mean "local warming" for absolutely everywhere.

It's been stupidly warm all winter in London. It's rubbish. I like it when it's cold. It seems to be cooling down a bit lately but it's started raining too.

In the last 6 months or so I've subscribed to a lot of science blogs. Yours is the one I most look forward to reading (except for all the posts about sports I don't understand. I go and read about Torquay United instead, which is quite a depressing business)

Nice Weathe... Kidding.
I found your blog, I think it was on digg when you posted the God Delusion, seemed like my kind of people. You're now gobbled up on my Google Reader, and I skim your posts that poke at me.

And to keep the theme, it's been 30F here constantly in Maine, damned good for winter.

By Bryan Haksins (not verified) on 10 Jan 2007 #permalink

And I just realized I misspelled my own last name (Haskins). It's moments like these that make us feel intelligent.

I delurked over at Orac's blog so I will do so here as well.

The weather in San Francisco is VERY cold and VERY windy after 2 days of beautiful 60 degree weather.

Semi-pro lurker, dating back to the early days of rasfwrj. I landed at the blog's previous incarnation a few years ago when I was googling for book reviews and your booklog showed up.

It's too warm by half in Minnesota. This is our time to shine, and we got nothin'...

Been mostly a lurker here, though I've been known to pop up in comments of a few other physics blogs (e.g., Steinn's, Rob Knop's).

Today's weather started out overcast and threatening to snow in Seattle and concluded on the cold side in Cambridge, MA. At least, a lot colder than when I left. I spent a chunk of last Saturday afternoon driving around with the roof down on my car ... for New England in January, that's just wacky.

Was a lurker for quite a while; have posted on a couple of threads but not too many yet, so perhaps I still qualify.
Can't remember exactly where I first linked here from, but it probably caught my attention because I'm a math/cs grad from a small liberal arts college (Wheaton [the one in Illinois, not Massachusetts]), so I maintain an interest in the teaching of science at small liberal arts colleges.
This is the only physics blog I read, so I appreciate the links to new happenings as well as your in-depth explanations of key physics concepts. Keep up the good work!

By Scott Coulter (not verified) on 11 Jan 2007 #permalink

I dunno about this newfangled weather business. Back in my day we had REAL winters.

(I'm a physics undergrad. :)

I guess I'm a semi-lurker. As for weather.... well, here in my corner of Colorado I have 186 acres of snow to sell to a ski resort back east if I could just figure out the logistics of shipping it. And, we're hunkering down for more tonight. Skiing in Colorado is great y'all, if you can make it in and out of Denver International Airport, and you don't get buried in an avalanche (as a couple of poor, but lucky, folks did) on your way up there.