Week of Science

A couple of bloggers have issued a challenge: a week of blogging about Just Science. I like RPM's description better than what's on the official site:

It boils down to this:

  • One week of science blogging and only science blogging.
  • At least one post a day of pure science content.
  • No blogging about anti-science -- no creationism, no anti-vaccination, no global warming denialists.

Just Science from February 5 through February 11.

I have two problems with this:

The first problem is that I don't know if I could go a whole week without blogging about academic issues, pop culture, or just general snark. None of that is really science, but they're important parts of what I do, for my own sanity if nothing else. (And Kate's, as she's spared some ranting when I blog about things...)

If you interpret the really important point to be the third bullet above (no anti-science), with pop-culture stuff sort of existing in limbo, it's easier to manage, but also kind of trivial. I hardly ever post about creationism, anti-vaccination, or global warming denialists, so by signing up, I'd be agreeing to spend a week doing what I usually do anyway.

Maybe I ought to offer to do a counter-stunt, and spend a week posting about nothing but anti-science?


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Maybe I ought to offer to do a counter-stunt, and spend a week posting about nothing but anti-science?
Now, that's a good idea, also!
Easier stuff anyway. You can just take a subject and be sure you will have at least a week's posts: Say DaveScot :-)

I had the same reaction to the announcement: "You mean, blog about what I've been blogging about all along???" :) I almost never blog about anti-science stuff, except in passing.

I still think it's a good idea for some of the other science-centric blogs, many of which DO seem to over-focus at times on the anti-science stuff. It would make for an interesting change of approach, if nothing else. Instead of re-hashing the same arguments over and over again, for a mostly like-minded audience, there would be one week of celebrating what's cool and interesting about science, without lobbying figurative hand grenades at the "other side."

I had the same reaction to the announcement: "You mean, blog about what I've been blogging about all along???" :) I almost never blog about anti-science stuff, except in passing.

that's easy in for you guys, no one is interested in pseudo-physics :-)

It's a good thing that nothing interesting is happening on sunday at, say, 6pm est.