I Told You 'Bout the Swans, That They Live in the Park

i-d9a98de64519b1d8e8efa791e315c736-21ice3.jpgThe guys over at the World's Fair have created an Order of Science Scouts, for those who find themselves longing for merit badges to display on their blogs. Such as, for example, this one:

The "has frozen stuff just to see what happens" badge (LEVEL III)

In which the recipient has frozen something in liquid nitrogen for the sake of scientific curiosity.

They're a bit too bio-focussed-- too much gooey stuff, not enough big explosions-- but some of them are pretty entertaining. If you're looking for some graphics to brighten up your web page, go have a look...

(As for the title, the Treasure of the Sierra Madre reference was a little too obvious...)


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Thanks for catching that goof up. I guess we mean't "ass" in the most holistic of ways (we've altered the text to express this). Anyway, your commentary have inspired a new badge which we'll put up in the near future.

The "has a thing for things being anatomically correct" badge.

I have far too many of those badges.

They need another level for liquid helium. That stuff's awesome.