Still More Bump Hunting

Physics World has a story today about a new addition to the now-you-see-it, now-you-don't maybe-it's-a-Higgs-boson signals seen at Fermilab. (See here and here for a flavor of the earlier discussions). This one is a beyond-the-Standard-Model particle that would require a supersymmetric theory to explain.

Of course, the evidence at this point consists of a whopping three events. Color me skeptical.

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Mass lacks ab initio sourcing - its standard is a metal artifact. Even classical gravitation is contradictory (Hehl and Weinberg arguing affine vs. metric theory). Quantized gravitation eructates 10^1000 solutions or none at all. The Standard Model arrives massless before a fatly parameterized Higgs jury rig.

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There was talk of a possible Higgs signal before LEP was supposed to be closed, wasn't there?

Fermilab should have left it until just before LHC went up (in order to claim discovery even if LHC found it in glorious technicolour).