Federal Agency or Basketball Conference?

This idea is stolen from Colin Cowherd, a pinhead on ESPN Radio, but even a blind pig finds the occasional acorn. I'm going to list a bunch of abbreviations below, and you tell me which are the initials of conferences in Division I basketball, which are agencies of the US Government, and which could be either.

For example, "MVC" would be the Missouri Valley Conference, which is a basketball conference, while "NACIC" would be the National Counter-Intelligence Center, a government agency. "ACC" could be either the Atlantic Coast Conference or the Air Combat Command.

The full list of twenty abbreviations is below the fold. When making guesses, please identify the relevant agency or conference. No Googling allowed.

  1. AEC
  2. ARC
  3. ASC
  4. BARC
  5. BEC
  6. BSC
  7. CAA
  8. CUSA
  9. MAC
  10. MAAC
  11. MEAC
  12. NBAC
  13. NCC
  14. NEC
  15. NWC
  16. OAC
  17. OVC
  18. SBC
  19. SWC
  20. WCC

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1. AEC

Atomic Energy Commission

2. ARC

Atlantic Regional Conference

3. ASC

Atlantic Surface Command


Ballistic Animal Research Center

5. BEC

Bureau of Enlightened Canines

6. BSC

Bachelor's of Science

7. CAA

Creative Artists Agency


Central United Sports Ass.

9. MAC

Media Access Control

10. MAAC

Mid Atlantic Area Canines

11. MEAC

Mid East Area Command

12. NBAC

Nuclear Ballistics Athletic Conference

13. NCC


14. NEC

Nippon Electric Co.

15. NWC

Naval Warfare College

16. OAC

Operational Area Command

17. OVC

Ohio Valley Conference

18. SBC

Southwest Bell Co.

19. SWC

Surface Weapons Center

20. WCC

West Coast Conference

I think Jamie got 1, 17, and 20.

7. CAA: Central Atlantic Conference
8. CUSA: Conference USA
9. MAC: Midwest Athletic Conference
11. MEAC: Mid-East Athletic Conference
14. NEC: Nuclear Energy Commission
19. SWC: SouthWest Conference

I would assume that 5 is the Bose-Einstein Commission, but I could be wrong.

Duh, I sure got 7 wrong. I meant Central Athletic Association. But Wikipedia tells me that I'm wrong about that, too...

Not that I'm obsessed, but I went through Wikipedia on these...

Four have no relevant entry: #5, 6, 12, and 17.
Five have relevant entries on both sides: #7, 9 (though one is outdated), 14, 15, and 19.
And #8 returns one result, which is sort-of relevant, but not really.

All of which really reflects limits of Wikipedia rather than anything else. I would wager that if you dig deep enough, you could find a federal agency or site or project for every 3- and 4-letter abbreviation.

All of the Federal agency abbreviations came from a big page of them found via Google-- in fact, it's the top result for "federal agency abbreviations."

Jamie's answer for #4 is much more interesting than the real thing.

I was going for amusing, as I'm not a basketball kinda guy...I mean, I'm pretty sure SBC is the Sun Belt Conference, but where's the fun in that?

Jamie's answer for #4 is much more interesting than the real thing.

The real thing being probably "Beltsville Agricultural Research Center". Which is just a few miles down the road from my apartment.

By Michael I (not verified) on 08 Mar 2007 #permalink

1. Atlantic East Conference
2. Association of Retarded Citizens
3. Atlantic Sun Conference
4. Boston Area Research Corridor
5. Big East Conference
6. Big South Conference
7. Colonial Athletic Association
8. Conference USA
9. Mid-American Conference
10. Mid-Atlantic Athletic Conference
11. MEAC - These are historically black schools but I have no idea what it stands for.
12. National Business Affairs Council
13. National Commerce Commission
14. NorthEast Conference
15. Naval War College
16. Office of American Capitalism
17. Ohio Valley Conference
18. Small Business Council
19. Sneaky Warfare Committee
20. West Coast Conference

By Cryptic Ned (not verified) on 08 Mar 2007 #permalink