First Round Update

Maryland held off a tough Davidson team to win, 82-70, in a game that I saw basically none of. By the time the BC-Texas Tech game wound down to its uninteresting conclusion, Maryland had built up a fairly secure lead, and there were only a couple of minutes of garbage time left. I gather that Davidson shot the lights out from three-point range early, but cooled off in the second half, and the Terps were able to use their superior size to good effect down the stretch. But, as I said, I saw none of it.

Boston College beat Texas Tech in a game that managed to be both close and dull. This was largely because I really wanted to see Maryland, but it was kind of a slog all the way through.

Better that than the Louisville-Stanford debacle, though. Stanford confirmed my opinion that they really didn't belong in the field, falling behind by twenty in the first ten minutes, and pretty much playing dead from then on.

Currently, Georgetown is on, and leading by six over Belmont. Oral Roberts U has a 28-26 lead over Washington State at the half, Old Dominion and Butler are tied, and Texas A&M is up on Penn in the very early going.


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