NCAA Tournament 2007: Day Two, More Chalk

I saw very little basketball on the second day of the tournament, because I had a meeting at 1:00 that ran until almost 3:00. I watched a bit of the second set of games between that and going to a faculty-student St. Patrick's Day event at 4:30, and then dozed off during the games after dinner.

Not much to say about the second day, though, They at least managed some dramatic games-- VA Tech rallied to squeak out a win, scoring the last twelve points of the game to win by two, and #2 seed Wisconsin trailed by almost twenty before rallying to win. Oregon squeaked out a win over Miami University, and the Nevada-Creighton game was close, but for the most part, the higher seeds won comfortably.

The one real upset was Winthrop's win over Notre Dame, if you can call a 28-4 team winning an upset. They had a big lead early, let Notre Dame come bak to take a one-point lead, and then recovered to win by ten. I wish I'd seen that one, as the paltry highlights ESPN showed don't really do it justice. In the other direction, based on the score ticker, Holy Cross and Southern Illinois went almost five full minutes on the game clock without scoring a single point after halftime. I'm glad we're not close enough to Worcester to have been subjected to that...

The second round starts today, and my Terps play at 3:30. Sadly, we're scheduled to get the BC game, which means that if all goes well, I'll be stuck watching two and a half hours of Boston College, but what can you do?

(Well, I could sign up for the pay-per-view package, or watch on the Internet, but I'm not going to do either of those...)


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