Trustees vs. Faculty

The Dean Dad posts lots of very interesting things that I end up not having time to link to-- you should be reading his blog every day, if you're interested in how academia operates. This one is too good to not link, though-- a discussion of Boards of Trustees and how they operate. I particualrly enjoyed this bit:

Boards are usually relatively small, and often dominated by a few strong personalities. Board members are typically not, um, experts in the innards of higher education, having earned their stripes in other fields of endeavor. Board service is usually only one of the obligations a Board member has, and usually not the primary one. The information the Board receives is necessarily partial and filtered, and will often be read through lenses that faculty would consider utterly bizarre. (In William Chace's memoir One Hundred Semesters, he recalls a Board member applying true corporate logic - as opposed to mere cost-consciousness - to argue for eliminating the social sciences altogether at one university. His argument was that you don't compete in fields you can't dominate, and the university was far from dominant in the social sciences. Chace had to at least appear to take him seriously, and gently introduce him to the notion of 'general education.') One of the most critical jobs for a President and/or Provost and/or VP is to translate the norms of higher ed to language that Board members can both understand and respect. Faculty who routinely bash administration have little clue how much effort is spent on this, and what would happen if it weren't.

Read, as they say, the whole thing.


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Uncle Al: "Universities exist wherein goo and dribbles of a liberal education are excised in favor of objective achievement. MIT, Caltech, RPI... are techno-slaves born and borne."

Are you suggesting that Caltech does not have world-class faculty in Humanities and Social Sciences?