Advertising Note

You may notice that there are some new ads on the site. They're short videos done by DuPont, with an excessively perky anchor talking about science topics and the wonders of chemistry, and that sort of thing.

We were promised that the ads would not auto-play or break people's browsers, and as far as I can tell, that seems to be the case. If you encounter any problems with them, though, please leave a comment here, and your concerns will be relayed to the Powers That Be.

And while we're at it, we may as well make this a Site Design Open Thread-- if you have comments or complaints about anything having to do with ScienceBlogs, leave a comment, and I'll pas it on to the Seed brass.

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I don't know what does it, but something about the markup of every blog causes Firefox to chew 100% CPU on page load for just long enough to make my music player skip.

yay for not having flash!

(they won't release a 64bit version, and i don't care enough to downgrade my firefox to 32bit)

By a cornellian (not verified) on 20 Mar 2007 #permalink