Daylight Savings Time Causes Global Warming

An important discovery in Arkansas:

You would think that members of Congress would have considered the warming effect that an extra hour of daylight would have on our climate. Or did they ?"

Via James.


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She has made a silly mistake. She forgot that DST also provides an extra hour of darkness to balance out the extra hour of daylight. They cancel identically, hence no net warming. QED :-)

By John Palkovic (not verified) on 24 Apr 2007 #permalink

But that extra hour is at the *end of the day*, which is much warmer than in the morning. Therefore, her argument is correct: DST causes global warming!!!!


Actually, you know, it wouldn't be entirely implausible for daylight savings to effect emissions, and therefore anthropogenic effects on warming. Assume, for a moment, that the extra hour of daylight at the right times (it's still light later into the evening) causes more people to drive later into the evening, and to fill up their gas tanks while it's still light. That would have an impact, long term, wouldn't it?

I don't mean to imply this is what the guy who wrote the letter was implying, of course. He seems to just be an idiot. But I'm just sayin'...

This is one of those things that's both amusing and scary if it's not a hoax, but presuming it's not a hoax, I think any of the confusion that led to the article could be reduced by changing the way we talk about daylight savings time. American media, at least, seem to talk about an extra hour of sunlight, but really they should be talking about trading an hour of sunlight in the morning for an hour of sunlight in the evening.

American media, at least, seem to talk about an extra hour of sunlight, but really they should be talking about trading an hour of sunlight in the morning for an hour of sunlight in the evening.

It always comes back to "framing" in the end...

I read the thing from James' post aloud to Jordin last night. He was speechless and that doesn't happen very often. Having grown up mere miles from the Oklahoma/Arkansas border, I never seriously considered that it was a hoax.


It appears that the person who wrote this (a man, BTW) writes many similar letters, all in a satirical tone. It was a joke, folks.

By Fred Kiesche (not verified) on 26 Apr 2007 #permalink