Two Versions of "Oh. My. God."

Every now and then, you run across things on the Internet that make you say "Wow, this is really cool!" For example, the fake trailer for Greg Bear's Eon (via Tobias Buckell). I haven't read the book in years, but that trailer looks amazing.

And, of course, every now and then, you encounter something that leaves you twitching and mumbling "The horror... the horror..." Such as, for example, Sad Kermit singing depressing songs (via bassfingers).

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That EON trailer makes me want to reread, that some impressive CG and editing work.

Sad Kermit is...more explicit than I'd expected. Wakka, wakka.

That Sad Kermit video is one of the wronger and funnier things I've seen online.

By Captain C (not verified) on 26 Apr 2007 #permalink