Two links to things promoting science on the web:
1) What's the Greatest Innovation? Spiked online asked a bunch of famous people to describe the greatest innovation in their field, and compiled the responses. As with most of these things, there's some interesting stuff in the responses, and a lot of predictable answers of the form "The greatest innovation is the one that led to my personal research."
2) String Theory in Two Minutes or Less. Some time back, Discover ran a contest for videos describing string theory in two minutes or less, and they've put the top entries up on the web for a vote.
There's a video in there titled "String Ducky," which, sadly, fails to use the "Put Down the Duckie" song ("You've got to put down the duckie, if you want to compactify Calabi-Yau manifolds in eleven dimensions..." With cameos by Ed Witten, Harry Belafonte, and Lindsey Lohan...) Have I mentioned that I'm thoroughly earwormed with that goddamn song?
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Sorry. And by my referral list you have inflicted the earworm on countless others.