Semi-Dorky Poll: Librarians or Libertarians?

I need to disappear into a swamp of paper grading, exam writing, and committee meetings for a while, so here's a comment thread topic inspired by somebody else's typo:

Librarians or Libertarians?

I'm not entirely sure exactly what I'm asking for-- it could be "Which of these groups have done more good for humanity?" or "Which of these groups is a bigger threat to the American way of life?"

Whatever you think the question is after, pick one of those two, and leave your choice in the comments. For bonus points, state what question you're answering.

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(For both questions.)

Libertarians. Soon librarians will be obsolete (teh intraweb!) but libertarians are growing in number- largely DUE to in internet.

Libertarians. Soon librarians will be obsolete (teh intraweb!) but libertarians are growing in number- largely DUE to the internet.

Librarians, cause they're hotter!

I don't think Librarians will ever be obsolete. Digital libraries, ontologies, research libraries, public libraries: they'll always exist. A lot of people need to go to the library just to use teh intarweb tubes.

Librarians. Both of my in-laws have degrees in Library Science.

Libertarians. Soon librarians will be obsolete (teh intraweb!) but libertarians are growing in number- largely DUE to in internet.
Librarians are even more important. Someone has to organize all that information & make it accessible for people. That is what librarians do. They organize information so it is accessible & assist people in finding the information they want.

There's a certain degree of overlap in the two groups. Librarians have campaigned forcefully in favor of privacy (in the context of patrons' borrowing records) and freedom of speech.

There's a lot of "Teh intarwebs make y00 obsoleet!" directed at librarians, but they actually seem to have a lot in common with the EFF.

Librarians are more important. If we ever need libertarians, the free market can be relied on to create them.

By Larry Lennhoff (not verified) on 11 Jun 2007 #permalink


I'm one.

And it's been fun, the last decade or so, watching Yahoo and Google figure out things we knew a hundred years ago.

We answer questions.

We connect people to the information they need.

We preserve what was once known, so that all may learn it anew from the master-sources, and standing on the shoulders of all who have gone before, gaze out further and further across the ocean of truth.

Not that I mind libertarians.

Librarians. I'm surprised that no one has yet pointed out that Librarians win every contest: because they're so hot.

By 'As You know' Bob (not verified) on 11 Jun 2007 #permalink

Librarians. I'm surprised that no one has yet pointed out that Librarians win every contest: because they're so hot.

By 'As You know' Bob (not verified) on 11 Jun 2007 #permalink

Librarians are more important. If we ever need libertarians, the free market can be relied on to create them.

And Larry Lennhoff wins the Internet for today.
Thanks for playing, everyone...