DonorsChoose: Better Viewing for Students

Continuing the theme of highlighting the occasional particularly worthy proposal, have a look at "Better Viewing for Students", which pretty much encapsulates everything you need to know about the reasons for the fundraising drive. The proposal is asking for money to buy an overhead projector for classroom use-- not a computer projector, an old-school overhead.

Why would anybody want that? Well, there's some educational jargon to justify it, but the real reason is here:

What makes these needs more pressing is the fact that traditional teaching can not take place in my classroom. The blackboard is in a dilapidated state. The chalk doesn't adhere in all areas and has profanity permanently drawn on it (when the viewing screen is in use, this is covered).

This is what teachers in poor schools (95% free lunch) are reduced to dealing with. This is also why we can't get and keep enough good teachers. And it's why we're annoying you with repeated requests for cash, because this sort of thing is just pathetic.

So, please consider donating, to this or one of the other proposals in my challenge entry, or one of the other challenges.

You can argue that this sort of thing is inexcusable in a wealthy country, and there ought to be some sort of comprehensive reform of the educational system to prevent students and teachers from having to deal with rooms in which chalk doesn't work. I'll completely agree with you, and happily support sensible measures to improve the situation of our public schools.

That does not, however, change the fact that there are people stuck in rooms with a sub-neolithic level of teaching technology. And they want $200 more in order to change that. So before you embark on a big ideological rant about how it's immoral to spend tax dollars on blah, blah, blah, take a minute and give them ten bucks. You don't have to save everyone, but a trivial amount of money can help save at least a few students.

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Did that spontaneously occur? Sand and buff the blackboards (one weekend's work) then divert all resources to the educable. Stop whining.

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