links for 2007-10-21


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Let's Play a Game, Part 2: Game Trees and Totally Finite Games « Intrinsically Knotted Classifying games based on possible moves and winning strategies. (tags: math science academia games) ...yet I'll hammer it out The Mentally Scarring Public Service Announcement Tournament. With YouTube…
Locus Online: Locus Magazine's Recommended Reading: 2007 A few books and stories to pass those quiet moments. (tags: books stories SF) Science in the 21st Century Conference participants include a bunch of really smart people with innovative ideas about the future of science and the interplay…
Stephen Huneck Gallery at Dog Mountain Vermont " I wanted to build a chapel, one that celebrated the spiritual bond we have with our dogs, and that would be open to dogs and people. People of any faith or belief system." (tags: dog religion art animals) Such Madness - New York Times Let the…
Roe vs. Wade? Bush vs. Gore? What are the worst Supreme Court decisions? - Los Angeles Times Legal experts weigh in. (tags: law politics us history society) Quantum Hyperion | Cosmic Variance Is Saturn's moon there when nobody's looking? (tags: science quantum physics astronomy planets) ...My…