links for 2008-03-02


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The End of Wall Street's Boom - National Business News - It seems I'm obliged to link to this. Apologies for the delay. (tags: politics economics culture business books) MPR: Challenged ballots: You be the judge Do you like politics? And radio-button Internet polls? Well, this is…
DNA Evidence Frees Man From Zoo | The Onion - America's Finest News Source "Shortly after the findings were revealed, Phoenix Zoo staff tranquilized, crated, and transported Panovich by helicopter to his Mesa, AZ home, where he was released into his front yard and reintroduced to his mate and two…
Lin leads Harvard to 82-70 upset over No. 17 BC - College Basketball - Score one for the smart kids. Don't talk to me about Maryland. (tags: sports basketball) Michael Nielsen » Three myths about scientific peer review "The myth that scientists adopted peer review broadly and early…
Hope in a box: The A.V. Club's guide to holiday gifts for the new era of good feelings | The A.V. Club "Words like "need" or "necessary" lose all meaning around Christmas, even when the economy is collapsing. For example, does anyone actually need a flexible plastic case to prevent their bananas…