Year's Best Music: Candidates

Following on yesterday's post about books, I started thinking about the best pop music for the year. Since getting iTunes, I've been able to do this quasi-scientifically, by putting together playlists of the top-rated songs for the year, which provides an easy guide to what I liked best. My first impression, thinking back, was that this was kind of a weak year, and the four- and five-star playlists for the year confirm it.

I initially had only ten songs on the five-star playlist, and while reconsideration of the four-star list managed to bump that up to 18, that's still the lowest by far of the years I've done this. The 212 songs on the four-star list is almost a factor of two down from either 2005 or 2006.

Now, it may just be that I've bought less new music this year than in the past (it's possible-- I've been busy, and on the road a lot). Or it may be that I'm overlooking some brilliant records that I really should've bought. At the moment, though, the "Best Music of 2007" list is looking pretty weak.

(Update: See also this Jon Sobel post (via Making Light). I think he slightly overstates the breadth of pop knowledge in the past, but it's an interesting read all the same.)

So what am I missing that would change my mind about the current state of music? I'll put the artists from the five-star playlist below the fold, and if you spot any obvious omissions, leave me a comment, and I'll check it out while there's still time.

  • Amy Winehouse
  • Arcade Fire
  • Buffalo Tom
  • The Cat Empire
  • Delta Spirit
  • The Holmes Brothers
  • Kaiser Chiefs
  • Li'l Cap'n Travis
  • Modest Mouse
  • The Nightwatchman
  • Pela
  • Richard Thompson
  • Ryan Adams
  • The Shins
  • Spoon
  • The View
  • Wilco

Who released new stuff this year that really ought to be considered for five-star status?


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There are 3 albums I can think of that deserve some consideration:

The Mendoza Line - 30 Year Low
Lucky Soul - The Great Unwanted
The Loose Salute - Tuned to Love

There's also one song, "Stars" from Au Revoir Simone's The Bird of Music, that I adore for the line: "You make me want to measure stars in the backyard with a calculator and a ruler baby." The rest of the album's a little slight and twee, though.

Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings, "100 Days, 100 Nights"
The Detroit Cobras, "Tied And True"
Chromeo, "Fancy Footwork"
DJ Jazzy Jeff, "Return of the Magnificent"
edIT, "Certified Air Raid Material"

Motion City Soundtrack's new album is awesome, I'm not sure if it has a five-star song, but definitely at least five four-stars. And I'd give the album as a whole 5/5.

Here are a few that I really, really liked that aren't on your list:

Robert Plant & Alison Krauss, Raising Sand
The Apples in Stereo, New Magnetic Wonder
Brett Anderson, Brett Anderson
Ian Hunter, Shrunken Heads
Low, Drums and Guns
My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult, The Filthiest Show in Town
Dungen, Tio Bitar

Seconding the track "Stars" from Au Revoir Simone. And for that matter, the song "The Night Starts Here" from Stars. Other albums I've enjoyed:

Bishop Allen, The Broken String
Mark Ronson, Version
The National, Boxer
Saturday Looks Good to Me, Fill Up the Room
Ted Leo & the Pharmacists, Living with the Living

Here's a third vote for "Star" from Au Revoir Simone's The Bird of Music. And a second vote for Saturday Looks Good to Me. Dawn Landes' "Straight Lines" is another five star song from her Two Three Four EP (which is good, but not great).

Other GREAT albums from this year:
Jens Lekman - Night Falls Over Kortedala
Joe Henry - Civilians
Astrid Swan - Poverina
Sylvie Lewis - Translations

A special mention should be made of The Pipettes' "We Are the Pipettes". It was released in Europe last year, but its US release was this year. This is one of my favorite albums of this decade because it's so fun. Every track is completely listenable, but "Pull Shapes" and "Judy" are real five star classics.

I started listing some other recent albums that were great, but then I checked and saw that most of them were from 2006. I only bought them in 2007. It does seem to me that 2006 was a better year.

By Harry Abernathy (not verified) on 18 Nov 2007 #permalink