
One of the perks of being a B-list sciece blogger is that people send me stuff that they would like me to promote to my dozens of readers. Such as, for example, National Geographic's very silly Dino Central Park site, where you can frighten simulated New Yorkers with simulated dinosaurs. Because... well, really, do you need a reason?

This is in connection with their Sunday dinosaur extravaganza on the National Geographic Channel. And you really can't go far wrong with shows about dinosaurs...

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As usual, they made a great website and you can have fun with the "hidden camera" and try to figure out how many little movies did they have to make for the trick to work (i.e., try to "roar" when the people are on different places on the screen): In support of this upcoming special, National…
National Geographic's Dino Death Trap is premiering Sunday December 9th at 8:00 pm. As part of generating publicity for the series they have set up this fun micro site where you can play the game "Dino Central Park" Dino Death Trap chronicles paleontologists in China's western Gobi desert…
As regular readers of this blog know, I have an extreme affinity for museums and always welcome the news of a long-lost specimen that was locked away in storage turning out to be something new and significant. In 2006 one such discovery occurred when Mike Taylor (seen left, holding the specimen)…
According to this press release from Manchester.. Palaeontologist Dr Phil Manning, working with National Geographic Channel has uncovered the Holy Grail of palaeontology in the United States: a partially intact dino mummy. Named Dakota, this 67-million-year-old dinosaur is one of the most important…

Why do they think that dinosaurs roared - like lions or bears or ... other mammals.
Maybe they just went CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP, like BIG BIRDS.

Dinosaurs terrorizing New Yorkers? How unrealistic. Obviously you should be terrorizing simulated ancient Hebrews.