Idle Consumer Electronics Question

Why does my new car stereo (with spiffy direct iPod connection) come with a remote control? Just where do they think I'm going to go?


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Probably for the rear seat passengers. Having the driver fiddle with knobs while he's going down a highway can be rather dangerous.

I've always wondered that one, too. The only remote I've ever seen that made sense was one that mounted on the steering column below the wiper controls, and was operated by twisting, pushing, and pulling on various collars and knobs so you could change tracks, volume, etc. without looking away from the road.

Dude, how else can you adjust the volume on the DVD you are watching???? My son has his on his key ring cause he thinks its cool to have one, but its as useless as......I'd rather a passenger be able to control it directly from the iPod. We got a wire run in Pats car to the glove compartment, so thats where the iPod resides. I still have a cassette adapter, yuck!

My wifes car has remote stuff (volume, scan, etc....) on the steering wheel, and THAT is a good way to go!

Back in the olden days, some folk would listen to their car stereo while they washed it. This might be handy for that. Another possibility, tunes while your picnicing or lounging nearby on the beach.

Kids these days. They need to be able to edit the soundtrack while they make out in the back seat.

Actually, do kids these days still "make out"?

Now I just made myself feel old. Get off my lawn!

Given the recent increased rates of social diseases and some other sociological research I've seen, I'd guess kids today skip making out, and go right for the full enchilada.

Well you can use it to turn up your back massage without retreating from your fully reclined seat while engaging in mating rituals at stoplights.