Tree of SCIENCE!!! #9

This one may not look like much, but it covers a lot of ground for the Tree of SCIENCE!!!:


This ornament is built around a copper plaque, and copper is a very good conductor, which means it includes an element of solid state physics.

The copper in the plaque is from the roof of the Library of Congress, which means that this stands for the publication and dissemination of scientific information. SCIENCE!!! can't function properly without wide distribution of results. Hey to Bora.

Finally, the plaque is embossed with the quote "Too low they build who build beneath the stars," which again is a two-fer. On the most obvious level, it stands for space science, but it's also a symbol of scientific arrogance, the belief that no goal is too lofty to be accomplished through SCIENCE!!!

That's a lot of SCIENCE!!! for one ornament. Which is probably why it's so damn heavy...


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