Congratulations to _________

The Iowa caucuses are finally over, and Daily Kos has the scoop:

Finally, primary season is over, and it couldn't come soon enough. After a week of conflicting polls and a flurry of last minute campaigning by all parties, ______ has (narrowly / decisively) won the Iowa caucuses.

Numerous factors contributed to this very predictable Iowa win. First, the ground game, and/or lack thereof. Second, the weather, most specifically the fact that the weather was different from what it might have been. And third, as always in Iowa, caucus-goers' "second choices" were (futile / important / decisive). If the voters had voted differently, then those different results would have been different -- think how much that would have changed things.

I look forward to a vigorous campaign this summer and fall-- the debates between ____________ and ___________ ought to be particularly entertaining. Congratulations to _____________, and better luck next time, Ron Paul.


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