Uncertain Principles Radio

Well, OK, not really. You can, however, hear what I sound like by listening to a couple of official Tor podcasts made from the panel I did at Worldcon with Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Adam Rakunas, Paul Cornell and Yoshio Kobayashi.

The panel was back in September, but I haven't seen the files on Tor's web page until just now. You can access them directly, if they move off the index page, using these links:

It's a pretty wide-ranging discussion, and a couple of funny things get said. The sound quality is pretty good, especially given that it was recorded by a single Tor staffer with a pocket digital recorder sitting in the front row.

Amusingly, I found out that these were up via the Tor Books page on Facebook, which I only started using regularly after this panel, which features a bit of discussion about Facebook. Synchronicity! Or something.

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