links for 2008-02-14


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While I was out, John Scalzi had an interesting post about the changing economics of short story writing. Back in the day, Robert Heinlein made a living selling stories at a penny a word: As I was reading this again I was curious as to what at penny in 1939 would rate out to here in 2007, so I used… / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / Neglected Books: the list "So, I asked for recommendations for neglected books and authors and had an overwhelming response. I'm going to make the results into a useful reading list, in alphabetical order, with links, and usefully divided. The…
Pimp My Novel: Tip O' the Week: Chasing Trends "If you're currently penning a fantasy novel centering on a pious zombie vampire from an alternate 19th century in which science/alchemy/the Bible has predicted the earth's impending doom, uh, please send it to me, because that could be awesome. More…
Guest Post from Author Nick Mamatas: "The Writer's Life: Actually, It's Awesome!" « Suvudu - Science Fiction and Fantasy Books, Movies, Comics, and Games "In my new book Starve Better, I talk about writing short subjects--both fiction and non-fiction--with an eye toward writing effectively and…

Okay, the first link talks about recent metal being contaminated by background radioactivity from WW2 atomic tests. The second only mentions the 22-year half-life of lead-210, and implies that old lead is better just because it's had a chance to decay. Which is it?

By Andrew Plotkin (not verified) on 14 Feb 2008 #permalink