links for 2008-04-07


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There's no such thing as a slow news day. There's a war in Iraq, another in Afganistan, a genocide in Sudan, a presidential campaign, and probably some right wing blowhard having fun in a public restroom somewhere. So what the hell was the Times thinking with this one? The premise appears to be…
To be sure, there is no official diagnosis of death by blogging, and the premature demise of two people obviously does not qualify as an epidemic. - Matt Richtel in today's NYTimes
Methinks this article from the NYTimes is a tad hysterical: They work long hours, often to exhaustion. Many are paid by the piece -- not garments, but blog posts. This is the digital-era sweatshop. You may know it by a different name: home. A growing work force of home-office laborers and…
On Writing and the Internet: Data Is the New Alcohol « Lev Grossman "A lot of writers have been ruined by addictions in the past. Heroine, alcohol, etc. Me, I don't have big -- big -- problems with drugs and alcohol. (I have in fact, over the past 6 months, moderated my drinking, something I…

Breslow's argument includes a 10,000 C plasma fireball upon meteorite impact, a poor start for organic synthesis. Chiral protein amino acids are L-configuration, natural chiral sugars are D-configuration. Pookie pookie.

Replace achiral pseudo-Riemannian spacetime curvature with chiral Weitzenböck spacetime torsion. Obtain a chiral vacuum background differentially active only toward mass configuration - EM is inert. General Relativity works to spec given no natural resolved chiral bodies (meat and wood cancel on Earth). The chiral vacuum effect is 10^(-12) relative or smaller post-inflation.

Massed sector chiral vacuum is testable. A parity Eötvös experiment opposing chemically identical cultured solid single crystal quartz would do it: one set of test masses in space group P3(1)21 (right-handed screw axes) and the other in space group P3(2)21 (left-handed screw axes).

Somebody should look.