links for 2008-04-10


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Most powerful laser in the world fires up "The Texas Petawatt laser reached greater than one petawatt of laser power on Monday morning, March 31," Good thing, or they'd feel pretty dumb about the name. (tags: physics optics science news) Cats Laughing Everybody's favorite band of SF authors,…
Christian Demand: Inflated phrases - signandsight "Texts on art rarely explain what they profess to explain; they simply simulate the explainability of their theories." (tags: art culture humanities) Enrollment in Postsecondary Institutions, Fall 2006; Graduation Rates, 2000 and 2003 Cohorts;…
Administrating « Confused at a higher level "Why did I say yes to the Dean when he asked whether I would take on this position? He made the request/offer to me a week after calling me to let me know I had tenure -- he claimed that this gave me a fair shot at saying no." (tags: academia society…
Discovering Biology in a Digital World : Another reason why science education sucks "According to the article almost 40% of the 59 science education specialists, surveyed in the California University system, were "seriously considering leaving" their current jobs and some (20%) were considering…

Ooh...that laser picture IS pretty. Makes me wish my lab had more lasers.

the laser beam's power is concentrated to a 1.3-micron speck about 100th the diameter of a human hair. A human hair is about 100 microns wide.

1) Give the folks a digital micrometer and have them do some measurements. Any hair 100 microns in diameter probably isn't of human origin. 60 microns is thick (round black straight coarse beard). It is also an opportunity for obtaining a fiducial RCH (ask a machine shop old fart).

2) It's not the ratio of spot diameters, it's the ratio of spot areas. Airy circles are left as an exercise for the alert reader.

Diversity: Skimming the top 10% of the bottom 10%.

We need an RSS feed devoted to lab pics, that would be just awesome. Your daily optical bench, your daily vacuum pump, etc.

By Brad Holden (not verified) on 10 Apr 2008 #permalink