Sigma Xi Film Festival: Short Films About Water

Speaking (as we were) of pro-science film festivals, Sigma Xi (the scientific research honor society-- think Phi Beta Kappa for science nerds) is announcing a student film competition:

In conjunction with a year-long focus on the issue of water, Sigma Xi is sponsoring a competition for three-minute student films on aspects of this precious and dwindling natural resource. The entry deadline is September 1, 2008.

Prizes of $1,000, $800 and $500 will be awarded for the top three films. The competition is open to undergraduate and graduate students, either individually or in teams. There is no entry fee, but individual entrants or at least one member of each team must be members of Sigma Xi.

So, if you know how to make movies, and you know something about water, here's an opportunity to put those two together and get some cash.

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