links for 2008-05-05


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Remembering the giddy futurism of Omni magazine. - By Paul Collins - Slate Magazine "The magazine was a lushly airbrushed, sans-serif, and silver-paged vision dreamed up by Penthouse publisher Bob Guccione and his wife, Kathy Keeton. It split the difference between the consumerist Popular Science…
theweaselking: Never trust a marsupial. (tags: silly video animals) Do You Have Swine Flu? Because you need confirmation from the Internet. (tags: silly medicine internet) Jacks of Science » Blog Archive » Learning Science through Comic Books, A List "Reading textbooks gives me scary…
The Ostrom Nobel -- Crooked Timber "To amplify what Kieran has just said - political scientists are going to be very, very happy today. I had seen Lin cited as a 50-1 outsider by one betting agency a few days ago, and had been surprised that she was at the races at all, given that economists tend…
Guided By Voices | Music | A.V. Club "Dozens of people can say they were members of indie-rock institution Guided By Voices during its 21-year run, but the Dayton, Ohio-based band was chiefly a creative outlet for a music-obsessed former schoolteacher named Robert Pollard. And Pollard was very…