Science Habitat Photo Contest

The Corporate Masters are holding a workspace photo contest:

Now hard at work on the next issue, Seed editors want to see the typical or not-so-typical places where you do science. For the chance to get your scientific work space featured in Seed, please send a photo of it to by Tuesday, May 13th at 5:00pm EST. Please write "Where I Do Science Photo Submission" in the subject line, and send as high a resolution image as you can. In the body of the email, please include: your name; what kind of science you do; and the location of the photo.

My office is moderately impressive for its clutter, but not terribly photogenic-- for one thing, it's impossible to get far enough away from the desk to get the whole thing in frame. If you have a workspace that will photograph well, though, snap a picture and send it in.


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Hmm, undergrad office, coffee shop, lounge in student center, various computer labs ... I was almost never in my actual office, back when I had one. Probably cause they took 2 f'in years to give me one, then asked me to share the desk with someone else (who moved in full time post haste), then gave me another that had no window.

Good thing I made the time to figure out how to make my laptop do whatever I needed wherever I was. kvpnc, ssh, and ubuntu FTW.

Oddly enough, I tend to have good ideas while I do the dishes...I suspect this is not photogenic enough.