Green conventions

On October 30, 2007, the GOP Convention site was overjoyed at a Washington Times article touting the convention's green efforts:

Tree-huggin' GOP

"Republicans are committed to making next year's nominating convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul the 'greenest' in party history. From transportation to venue selection to staff workspace - convention planners are working to implement the best environmental practices," Maria Cino noted yesterday.

Today, Ned Ryun, son of former Congressman Jim Ryun, calls such efforts at the Democratic convention "absurd," evidence that the party is "beholden to the leftie enviro-nuts," or perhaps even "enviro-facists."

Yet another case where It's OK If You Are A Republican.

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I don't know if it is the way that his blog renders in IE6 (I'm at work and have no choice) but I couldn't read it because the typeface was the same color as the left side of the background.

I'm sure it was stupid, anyway.

Mike, I don't know why it's rendering that way. It works fine in Firefox, and in my version of IE 7. I'll check with our tech guy.

Notice that it's the greenest in party history. This that means they plan to roll up with windows on the idling limos while the A/C is running.