links for 2008-07-06


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Relativity: Measuring the speed of light « Skulls in the Stars A history of experiments through the ages. (tags: precision-measurement experiment history science) Nanocrystals could help recover waste heat - "[T]he thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) for the ingots increased…
Anachronista: The Simpsons Bayeux Tapestry Couch Scene It's missing the comet... (tags: silly television video) Good Math, Bad Math : Introduction to Linear Regression The basics of data fitting. (tags: science math) Quantum Decoherence Reduction by Increasing the Thermal Bath Temperature A…
'When We Left Earth' Shows When Man Stretched to Reach the Moon - "Like many gadget-happy Americans, NASA took lots and lots of home movies. For this series it threw open the doors of its film and video archives, which have been transferred to stunning high-definition format." (tags:…
slacktivist: Credit scoring and unemployment "Say you're unemployed and you decide to work your tail off to land a new job, so you send out 40 résumés a week. Half of the companies might decide to do a credit-check before getting back to you. This sets off alarm-bells at the credit-rating…