Talking to My Dog About Science: Weblogs and Public Outreach

I gave my talk this morning at the Science in the 21st Century conference. Video will eventually be available at the Perimeter Institute Recorded Seminar Archive site, but if you'd like to get a sense of the talk, a few people were live-blogging it in the FriendFeed room for the meeting. You get a pretty accurate impression of the talk from the comments there.

I think it went well. People laughed in the right places, and there was some really good discussion in the question period. I look forward to seeing what it looks like on video. They have a really nice AV set-up here, with two cameras recording the talks, and a monitor at the back of the room displaying the slides, so you don't have to turn away from the audience to look at the screen.

I'll also be doing a panel discussion later this afternoon, on "The Fall of the Ivory Tower: Science Gets Closer to the Public," with Cameron Neylon and John Willinsky. For now, I'm going to try to relax and recharge during the afternoon talks.

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