links for 2008-10-13


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...My heart's in Accra » The Partisan Internet and the Wider World "I think the comparison between ideological isolation in media and in face to face encounters is more like comparing apples and hedgehogs. They're thoroughly different types of interactions and we should have very different…
Kevin Drum - Mother Jones Blog: Raw Data "Which groups did Obama do especially well with? That is, which groups did he swing by margins substantially more than 9 points?" (tags: us politics math statistics social-science society) Easily Distracted » Blog Archive » Appalachia and Other…
Barack Obama Defeats Barack Hussein Obama | The Onion - America's Finest News Source "Though few had heard of the freedom-hating extremist before, Barack Hussein Obama quickly garnered attention in several key regions of the country, and saw his popularity buoyed by conservative talk-radio hosts…
Wondermark by David Malki ! - 442: In which Beth keeps her Books "They will breathe with gills that make the sound of fluttering pages." (tags: internet comics books kid-stuff) Unsolicited Advice VII: Should I Have a Web Page? | Cosmic Variance Yes, but for the love of God, keep it professional…