The Missing Word

There have been a whole bunch of stories written about the idiot skinheads who were busted for a ludicrous plot to kill a whole bunch of black people, including Barack Obama: the AP version, the Washington Post, the New York Times. They're all pretty similar, and they're all notable for one thing: the word they don't contain.


By any reasonable definition of the word, these guys were wannabe terrorists. Their plan called for shooting 88 people and beheading another 14 (because idiot skinheads are big on Kabbalistic numerology, apparently)-- that's a terror plot. Not a terribly realistic one, mind, but then neither were most of the idiotic plots "broken up" by the noble officers of the Department of Homeland Security.

So why aren't these guys being called terrorists? Law enforcement officials and the news media don't hesitate to throw the T-word around when a couple of yokels with more mouth than brains pop off in a mosque. Why don't skinheads get the same treatment?


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Because THESE idiots have STYLE. I mean, multiple murders while wearing white tuxedos and top hats?

You're totally right of course.

They're white.

And more importantly, their targets aren't. McVeigh crossed that line when he set off that bomb in Oklahoma City, which is why it was OK to call him a terrorist.

Of course you're right, but you're telling the truth, not the truthiness.

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 28 Oct 2008 #permalink

The 88 thing - I heard that was skinhead code for HH (H = 8th letter in alphabet) = Heil H*tl*r. Oh damn, another perfectly good discussion auto-Godwinated.

By Green Chile Nation (not verified) on 28 Oct 2008 #permalink


Are they kidding? Do you know how HARD it is to get blood out of a good tux? Especially a white one...

Eric: Sure, but McVeigh gets the D word in front of it, and he targeted an FOB. I don't think the .gov really cares about the rest of us all that much (of course, I'm a fed contractor, so my third class citizen status in that role might bias my opinion).

Terrorism based upon the Kaballah? With templates like the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Thirty Years' War, burning of witches, Hopkinsville's night riders... they chose Crown Heights, Brooklyn?

"14/88: Common white supremacist code. 14 stands for the "14 words" slogan coined by David Lane, who is serving a 190-year sentence for his part in the assassination of a Jewish talk show host: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." 88 means "Heil Hitler," as H is the eighth letter of the alphabet."

"Une foi, un loi, un roi!" "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer!" Republicans' one hope is a Russky field "nukular" device (fizzle-)detonated in a Detroit slum (presumably Cheney's boys not UsÄmah bin Muḥammad bin `AwaḠbin LÄdin's). Can observant Republicans spell Huguenot?

Vote Democrat! Install criminals with a more circumscribed Weltanschauung and fluffier impositions.

The media can gather more support for Obama by emphasizing the racial elements. If they used the T word people might start thinking about national defense.

Jim @ 7: so that would imply that Fox News would be claiming they're terrorists and we need McCain to defend us against them...

Wait. What??