links for 2008-11-01


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Optics basics: Youngâs double slit experiment « Skulls in the Stars "As Iâve so far been restricting my âoptics basicsâ posts to discussions of fundamental concepts related to optics, it might seem strange at first glance to dedicate a post to a single optical experiment. What will hopefully…
Dr. Rivka - How many US Supreme Court decisions can you name off the top of your head? (tags: law US politics) / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / Bloat: threat or menace? A defense of long books. (tags: books writing literature SF blogs) Dynamics of Cats : why are grades…
Optics basics: Polarization « Skulls in the Stars What you need to know about light polarization. (tags: physics optics blogs science education) "Plutoids": the new name for Pluto-like dwarf planets - When, oh, when will the IAU stop jerking Pluto around? (tags: astronomy…
Foodie Politics | The American Prospect "Good food -- the sort Waters features at her restaurant -- is considered a luxury of the rich rather than a social justice issue. As Waters frequently argues, no one is worse served by our current food policy than a low-income family using food stamps to…