links for 2008-11-04


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Fafblog! the whole world's only source for Fafblog. "Okay okay but who is Barack Obama, really, while I am playing scary music and flashing this terrifyingly desaturated image of Barack Obama in a turban across your television screen? "Oh my god I have no idea, who is this mysteriously radical…
slacktivist: Racism and litigation "[N]o, it's not an overstatement or an uncharitable characterization to say that anyone swallowing this ACORN-scapegoating is insane and a racist bastard. This is a baseless assertion that begins with the argument that poor people and black people are the powers…
Feministe » A Story in Pictures See if you can spot the difference. (tags: politics news gender pictures law history) Fafblog! the whole world's only source for Fafblog. ""The earth will quake and the sea will boil and the moon will be as blood and every knee shall bow before the coming of the…
Hope in a box: The A.V. Club's guide to holiday gifts for the new era of good feelings | The A.V. Club "Words like "need" or "necessary" lose all meaning around Christmas, even when the economy is collapsing. For example, does anyone actually need a flexible plastic case to prevent their bananas…