links for 2008-11-16


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slacktivist: Gay-Hatin' Gospel (pt. 3) Part three of Fred Clark's look at why evangelicals are so anti-gay. (tags: religion politics blogs US gender) The Big Three How important are the major SF magazines, anyway? (tags: SF books literature) Evolving Thoughts A taxonomy, of sorts. (tags:…
Caltech Scores First Conference Victory Since 1985 - "The team's 46-45 home victory over Occidental, in the final game of the season, was the first Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference victory for Caltech since a 1-point win over La Verne more than 26 years ago,…
Gay Sex vs. Straight Sex « OkTrends "Gay issues have been in the news a lot lately, from the debate over same-sex marriage in Congress to a sickening rash of gay-bashing here in New York City. We see a lot of emotion out there, instead of information, and we wanted to provide some data-based…

That top article about sub-prime lending is a must read.

I read the legal-ad section of the classifieds every day (my granddad referred to them as the "funny pages") just to watch for rezonings and such. Lately that includes bank auction monitoring, although that does not include "short sales" that one sees on a Realtor sign. There are few single-family homes listed. There have been several student housing developments listed, loans to the "rich white guys" mentioned in that article.

One of these bankrupt operations is just 2 blocks from the university, closer to classes than some dorms. It takes quite a business plan to lose money that way.

By CCPhysicist (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

But it has led gay marriage proponents to neglect the obvious: Same-sex marriage directly involves sex, and so popular attitudes about sex and gender--not race--are the ones that are most relevant to whether same-sex marriage bans rise or fall."

Laws regarding interracial marriage were very much about sex and gender roles played in the context of race. When overturning such laws we focused on the latter and ignored the former. Same-sex marriage is a continuation of the civil rights movement, which has always challenged societal norms that can make those in the dominant group uncomfortable.

Still want to know how the state of California defines a "man" and a "woman". Biology is rarely as simple as our society usually wishes it to be.

By ponderingfool (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

Still want to know how the state of California defines a "man" and a "woman". Biology is rarely as simple as our society usually wishes it to be.

Let me try again.

Still want to know how the state of California defines a "man" and a "woman". Biology is rarely as simple as our society usually wishes it to be.

I suspect that the State Government of CA would rather Prop 8 had failed, certainly that is the opinion of the governor and the state assembly, and probably that of the Attorney General.

The people of California, at least 52% of them, however want marriage to be what they think it has always been, ie., what marriage was ~20 years ago.