Thursday Baby Blogging 112008

Here we see SteelyKid modeling the very latest in baby fashion:


It's important to start the cult indoctrination early...

The fuzzy white thing over the purple cow onesie is her warm fuzzy hooded outfit, seen in more detail in this week's Appa picture:


That was taken yesterday, as Kate was headed out to get a flu shot.


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Beautiful kid, but should be wearing Cleveland Browns jumper. as mine were at that age. I am surprised at this ignorance on the part of a Science Blogger. Especially one with such incredible genetics as displayed via SteelyKid. Great looking kid, that one.

Um... if "Steely" has anything to do with Steelers, then I congratulate you for photographically commemorating the high point of your child's life...

Because a baby who lives in New York and whose parents are Giants and Patriots fans *obviously* should be wearing a Browns shirt.

SteelyKid comes from Chateau Steelypips, our household nickname, which comes from our domain, which comes from _The Cyberiad_.